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Being Global Mercy - Implementing MIA Vision

The vision for Mercy International Association is ambitious yet timely as all of us are growing in naming ourselves as Mercy citizens of the world.

A new energy for Mercy world-wide connections is growing among Sisters of Mercy, Mercy Associates and Mercy ministers and volunteers in many lands and cultures and that energy can be channelled more effectively toward the difference that Mercy persons can make in creating a more just and human environment for all.

A major task for our new MIA board is to translate the MIAvision into concrete implementation, beginning with the task of finding a passionate, future-oriented, and effective Sister of Mercy who can give full attention to this effort. This woman must embody a global spirituality that holds a heart of Mercy for those most vulnerable in our world and who can communicate that vision.

I believe that there are deeply committed women and men in each of our Mercy parts of the globe who want to connect their energies and efforts with such a vision as that of MIA. One of our tasks is to invite them into the circle of Mercy. This invitation isn’t about us and our membership but more so about a vision of a global world in dire need of compassion and justice.

New MIA Board Directors

At their May 2008 annual meetings Members of Mercy International Association commissioned the new Board of Directors who begin the task of implementing the MIAVision. Commissioned to ensuring that MIA keeps alive the founding spirit of Catherine among peoples of the world most in need of God's compassion and mercy, Directors joined Members in praying: May the light of Christ guide us and give us the wisdom to carry out our responsibilities.

Messages to Sister Patricia McDermott rsm (Americas) Chair

Mercy International Association Members and Board of Directors May 2008

Back Row: Cóirle McCarthy RSM (Ireland), Jim Peppiatt-Combes (USA), Elizabeth Davis RSM (Newfoundland), Peter Burnett (England), Mary Waskowiak RSM (USA), Maura Hyland (Ireland), Patricia McDermott RSM (Board Chair - USA)

Front Row: Denise Fox RSM (Aotearoa New Zealand), M Agnes Lumbay RSM (Philippines), Nerida Tinkler RSM (Australia), Patricia Bell RSM (Great Britain), Helen Harding RSM (Chair Member - Newfoundland), Philomena Bowers RSM (Great Britain)