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Messages Received from the Mercy World #15

Thank you to all who have sent messages for Mercy Day and for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations (23-29 September, 2014). We are hoping to hear from many of our Mercy family and friends over the coming weeks. Send your messages to:


Scripture says" Without a Vision The People Perish Perish".

Our vision of Mercy has been rekindled this week . What a gift this has been ....a renewed call to each of us in our commitment to the call of Mercy as we move forward. How privileged I felt this morning as I sat in my loving room here in the U.S. and listened to President Higgins . His address was clear, articulate and leaves much food for thought and action.I so enjoyed the story of the " The Cup of Tea " that day in Galway University and loved hearing my native language which he spoke so beautifully .

To one and all involved in this week heartfelt gratitude.

Anne. Corrigan
U.S Province
The Congregation


Warmest Greetings and Congratulations to you all in Mercy International Centre once again for providing us with such a prayerful and inspirational start to our day.
As each Morning Prayer Ritual unfolds we are transported into the chapel with you. Thank you to the Sisters from Australia who led us this morning and shared with us their gifts of spirituality and creativity.
May the rest of your day be as inspiring as its beginning.

Srs Ann, Paula, Jean, Agnes and Mary (Northern Province PLT)


Greetings and blessings to all as we continue to celebrate our 20 years of Mercy International. we are enjoying reading all the messages sent from all over the world.

Sr. Kathleen Boca


Dear Mary and all past and present staff and all members of MIA,

Congratulations and best wishes on this wonderful occasion from the American Mid-West! (US Province of the Irish RSMs). I am so happy that the Mercy International Association was founded, and grateful for the few times I was able to spend in that beautiful restoration of Baggott Street. Thank you for your archival work especially. It is amazing to have every sister’s name on file, and the words and works of so many of us.

Please God we will, in whatever shape or form, continue to make a difference in the world as the decades, and even centuries, go by.

I attach a picture of myself working in a lab with immigrants learning English in Minneapolis, though most of my work with them is face to face—but it would be too intrusive to picture that. THere’s another one on a bus going to a protest march for Immigration Reform. I was a college teacher for 34 years, but now write, act on an anti-trafficking committee, and volunteer with immigrants.

Best wishes and thanks,

Mary O'Connor RSM


We are the Student Council President and Vice President at St. Joan of Arc Catholic School in Boca Raton, Florida and each September we watch the DVD on Venerable Catherine McAuley and we have a special Mass for her feastday. We know that she was a wealthy woman who could have lived a life of luxury, but she chose to spend her riches on the poor and needy. She helped women and children by teaching them skills that would provide them with employment opportunities.

We are happy to attend a Mercy school, and we congratulate all the Sisters of Mercy on this special occasion.

Melissa Kessler and Chloe Dohler,
St. Joan of Arc School, Boca Raton, Florida ,
Sisters of Mercy in the US Province



To all the Mercy women around the world,
Congrats and best wishes for future endevours .We are with you in spirit.
U.S Province
The Congregation


Thank you for making us all part of the MIA special Anniversary.Enjoy the rest ot the week!
God bless.
Sr. Ellen Murphy - Us. province
St. Joan of Arc School


Blessings, prayers and congratulation as we celebrate this special anniversary.
I am enjoying reading all the messages from around the world!
Many thanks to those who enabled us to participate digitally.
Long live Catherine’s legacy.

Frances Lalor,
US Province
The Congregation


May the God of Mercy fill your hearts with the fullness of His peace,joy,hope,and love as you live His mercy presence daily.These Mercy celebrations have been Mount Tabor experiences for all of us as we unite with you in prayer and spirit.
With gratitude, love and prayers.

Clare Fennell rsm
Delray, Florida
The Congregation


Greetings as we continue to celebrate Mercy week.

It has been very rewarding to watch the various celebrations during this week so far. It was also exciting to see Sisters we knew even though we are in south Florida. Sr. Patricia (McManus) and I were reflecting on our US Province over the past 20 years and our overwhelming belief is that this US Province was and is a great blessing because it opened us up to the ministries of multiple Sisters all over the United States. We also were introduced to so many Mercy filled Sisters from all over Ireland who have dedicated themselves to work with the multi-faceted population that is to be found all over the US. Our Central leadership teams as well as our Provincial leadership teams have challenged us to grow in Mercy as well as to deepen our own spirituality.
In general it has been a blessed 20 years, may the next 20 keep us faithful and joy filled.
God bless.

Sisters Patricia McManus, Anastasia Maguire,
(Congregation) US Province.


As I watched some of the gatherings on my iPad today, I felt so close to all having spent all of June at MIA. I have been again nourished by all I have seen and heard and look forward to what I am yet to see and hear.
Geraldine Mugavin
Community South B


Read the messages on page #14                                       Read the messages on page #16