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Messages Received from the Mercy World #14

Thank you to all who have sent messages for Mercy Day and for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations (23-29 September, 2014). We are hoping to hear from many of our Mercy family and friends over the coming weeks. Send your messages to:


We are your sisters from Puerto Eten, Chiclayo , Peru and we want to thank you for having us be part of our global Mercy Celebration.

We enjoy " meeting " so many of our Mercy Family .

Con mucho cariño,

Alice, Mildred, Rosali and Maria.


Greetings, Sister Mary and all at MIA!

It has been a joy and inspiration to join from California in this week’s celebrations! Thanks to all for your efforts to make the message, music, song and dance so far reaching. Indeed, I felt we are one in Mercy ---may the “song of Mercy” continue to be a well- spring of energy, hope and purpose for the onward journey!

Ven con nosotros al caminar; Santa Maria, ( Madre de Misericordia), ven!

Mary Frances Coleman, RSM
U.S. Province


The Mujeres de Mercy/Women of Mercy from

ARISE in South Texas, USA

send Mercy Day/Week greetings to everyone! It is wonderful to be Mercy!


On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of Mercy International Center in Baggot Street I would like to send my congratulations to the members of the Congregation. all over the world. As I read the messages from all the countries I was touched , inspired and in fact felt quite close to our sisters as we make a difference in the lives of all we serve. It is most gratifying for me as I visit the sick and pray with them, they stop and pray for me and ask God to bless me with health so that I may be there for them to encourage them and fill them with hope and courage.

I entered the convent in Navan, Co. Meath in 1959 and came to Jacksonville, Florida 53 years ago and have had the privilege to serve as teacher, Principal, Religious Education Education Director, Pastoral Associate, Chaplain to the Sick in Hospital & Hospice and any other ministry where called. As we advance in years it is wonderful to stop and think how God has blessed us as Mercy.

Prayerful Blessings
Sister Enda Egan

St. Anastasia Catholic
St. Augustine, Florida


We are inspired as we watched with amazement the various events over the past few days. It has given us a glimpse of the presence of God's Mercy throughout the world today. What a beautiful gift our charism is for ourselves and others.

Elma Peppard & Rose D. King


May all Mercy Sisters around the world have a blessed and grace-filled Mercy day. You are remembered in my thoughts and prayers.
Blessings and peace,

Sr, Eithne Lowther
US Province


Blessings to all Mercies in NZ around the Globe during this time of celebration.

I am thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to be part of this special time. Thank you.

The celebrations and prayers each morning (your time) are part of my evening ritual now. Each day's presentations are full of richness and beauty but Mercy Day Mass was an especially beautiful experience. and the musicians need a special thank you!

God's blessing on you all for the future too.

Mary Neazor
Wellington ANZ


Greetings and congratulations on these exciting and inspirational celebrations at the International Mercy Centre. We are so happy to participate as much as possible online in the activities. On Wednesday, Mercy Day we had a special children’s Mass celebrated at Ascension Parish in Melbourne, Florida. Our celebrant, a Vietnamese priest, was very happy to give a beautiful homily on the work of the Sisters of Mercy and the way they are appreciated in all missionary areas of the world. The children read the readings and the choir sang “The Circle of Mercy” bringing tears to the eyes of many in the congregation. The teachers in every class had the children make cards and posters for the Sisters and were taught about the work and life of Catherine Mc Auley. They seemed very interested in hearing about Mercy life, and the parents that attended the Mass were also very impressed hearing about the work the Sisters do all over the world.

May the work and spirit of Catherine continue to inspire our young people to work for justice and peace throughout the world.

Sisters Immaculata Knox, Joseph Barden
U.S. Province


“Were not our Hearts burning within us …… as our sisters gathered in Baggot St and broke open Catherine’s Gospel Vision in Word, Music, Song, Dance, Ritual, and Beauty, for all Mercy Sisters, Associates, Ministry Partners, Family and Friends gathered all over the world”. Such was my experience as I participated in the Livestreamed rituals from MIC this week in gatherings here in Parramatta. How thrilled Catherine would be to see how her dream has spread.

Congratulations to all those involved in the wonderful Work of Mercy that is Mercy International Centre and Mercy International Association over the past 20 years.

In attending the two gatherings we have had in Parramatta this week, to be part of the International Celebrations and rituals, I have been filled with wonderful memories of my recent 5 weeks in Baggot St and the warm Mercy Hospitality I experienced there.

Keep up the great Work!

Maria Lawton, rsm
Sisters of Mercy Parramatta


Dear Mary

What a grace filled week this has been for all of us united in Mercy from all over the world.The creativity, hard work and generosity of you and all involved deserves our deepest and heartfelt gratitude. May the God of Mercy bless each of you abundantly and to this I add my personal thanks and appreciation.

Anne Corrigan

U.S. Province


Dear Mary and all attending Mercy International Events, It is wonderful to share your joy in the celebrations. Mercy Greetings and love, Colleen Geary
Brisbane, Australia



The Creative Breath of God, Called Catherine many years ago.
And what a response?
That same Creative Breath of God Called forth the birth of M.I.A.
And what a response?
Congratulations and abundant blessings as you celebrate your 20th anniversary.

Kathleen Hanley
US Province


Sisters of Mercy Parramatta, Australia, Response to Mercy Around The World – Our Gobal Reality, Morning Prayer. (Sisters gathered Parramatta with colleagues, ministry partners and friends to be part of the MIC celebrations).


                Parramatta Mercy Gathering For Mercy Around The World Morning Prayer

What a wonderful challenge to keep crossing borders, boundaries and paradigms in friendship - so relevant in our world today. If only one person at a time we would let Earth’s “suffering speak”, to our intellects and heart and respond practically, ethically and compassionately, it would be a kinder world.

The sight of sisters from so many different nationalities gathered together in the Baggot Street chapel and the prayer reminded me of the many Sisters of Mercy and their companions who are already living and sharing such friendship across so many cultural, social and geographic divides. Great talk by the Irish president. Thank you for an inspiring reflection.

Valda Dickinson rsm
Sisters of Mercy Parramatta.


I am so grateful to belong to such a rich, joyful and merciful group.
Thanks to everyone who has prepared and participated in these liturgies.
I loved Archbishop Martin's talk, and today the President's addess I greatly enjoyed yesterday's opening ceremony, the dance and lyrics was beautiful. I felt I was there.
I hope to be in Baggot St on Monday
looking forward

Carmel Lohan RSM
US province
San Diego CA


Congratulations to everybody involved in making this Mercy Week so meaningful. It is great to be a Mercy Sister. We are all united as one.

Josephine Sullivan
US Province


"Happy Mercy Day from Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta. Our prayers are extended to our global Mercy family and in particular for those who have gathered at Baggott St. Dublin to celebrate 20 years of MIA." 


Dear Mary & Team,

Special thanks for the most inspiring Prayer Ritual prepared by the Congregation for Mercy Day. We rejoiced in the Gift of Mercy as we joined with all of you in Baggot St. May the spirit of Catherine continue to bond us in love and in mission.

Much gratitude and many blessings!

Rosaline O’Connor
U.S. Province


Dear Sr. Mary Reynolds,
We wish to congratulate you and all your team in M.I.A. on your wonderful presentation of our mercy celebrations in honour of our holy foundress Catherine Mc Auley. The prayer rituals have been so inspiring and spiritually uplifting.
We appreciate very much the live streaming which has enabled our participation in the events unfolding in Baggot street. Thank you very much.
May God continue to send you every blessing on all your work in M.I.A.
God bless,
Sisters of Mercy


Read messages on page # 13                                      Read messages on page #15