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Messages Received in Response to the Presidential Visit #1

Sharing Responses to the Presidential Visit. Email yours to:

Greetings to Sisters and our Mercy friends and colleagues from the staff at the Congregation Office at Bardon, Brisbane. This morning we gathered to watch the archived address of the President of Ireland. We were delighted to see our Sr Gabrielle present the President with the cup and saucer, the symbol of hospitality which we also value in our office.


Then we were excited when Sr Veronica named us when she sent greetings on behalf of the Brisbane Congregation. As we gathered in the meeting room at Mercy Place, Bardon, we were conscious that tomorrow, Saturday, more than 100 Sisters of Mercy from South East Queensland will gather in that room as part of their Mercy Day celebrations. We look forward to viewing the upcoming Rituals.

On behalf of the Brisbane Congregation Office

Mary Lawson rsm
Congregation Leadership Team


Heartfelt congratulations and thanks to Sr Mary, staff and all of you gathered in Mercy International Centre for a wonderful morning of prayer, reflection, challenge and inspiration.
A big thank you to the Sisters from Great Britain who set the scene so beautifully in word and image in the Morning Ritual.

We waited with you as you waited upon President Higgins to arrive and we were not disappointed. His knowledge of global issues was inspiring and his awareness and understanding of Mercy’s contribution past, present and for the future was most heartening.

We are united with you and the wider Mercy Family as we continue this week of celebration.
Srs Ann, Paula, Jean, Agnes and Mary (Northern PLT)


Dear Mary

What a grace filled week this has been for all of us united in Mercy from all over the world.The creativity, hard work and generosity of you and all involved deserves our deepest and heartfelt gratitude. May the God of Mercy bless each of you abundantly and to this I add my personal thanks and appreciation.

Anne Corrigan

U.S. Province


Congratulations to all at Mercy International Center. I felt that Catherine was truly living again in her home as you presented some of her beautiful china today to the President of Ireland. Watching all the activities and revisiting Catherine’s house - even if only virtually- has been very touching and reminded me of a lovely few days spent in retreat there some years ago.

Special thanks to all who made these celebrations possible and available to all of us worldwide.

May Catherine continue to bless us all and re-invigorate us to walk more closely in her footsteps!

With every Blessing

Vera Whelan
US Province