September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Thank you to all who have sent messages for Mercy Day and for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations (23-29 September, 2014). We are hoping to hear from many of our Mercy family and friends over the coming weeks. Send your messages to:
Greetings from Bridge Gate Derby, Uk
We joined you in heart and mind at our Evening Prayer as you gathered from around the world on Tuesday 23rd. Our Office in honour of Mary our Great Patron included the MIA Prayer which was deeply moving in the context of you are representatives gathering in Baggot Street. We in Bridge Gate feel privileged that a member of our Community Sr. Paschal O’ Brien is among you.
Congratulations and many blessings on all who contributed to the wonderful sharing of prayers and events. It was so beautiful to be a part of the prayers and celebrations. Our Mercy family in Middletown, CT truly enjoyed joining with the sisters at Baggot St. for Mercy Day. Many blessings as you continue forward in the mission of Catherine.
In Mercy,
From the Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students of Mercy High School in Middletown, CT.
Dear Mary,
Congratulations on the first twenty years of MIA, it has become a wonderful fulchrum around which both the national and international world of Mercy rotate.
Joy to you on this day of days,
Love and blessings,
Anne Kelleher
A Very Happy Mercy Day, 2014 from the Sisters of the Institute of Our Lady of Mercy, GB to all at Mercy International Centre. May you be blessed in a special way as Catherine smiles on you.
Heartiest congratulations. What an amount of work went into preparing for this week of Celebrations. The live streaming was amazing and made it possible for all who could not be present to participate fully in the inspiring and instructive Opening Ritual and to feel part of the whole event.
We look forward to what is yet to come. You are held in thought and prayer.
United as one, we thank our God for the blessings given to us as we continue to walk the path of Mercy together.
From Sr. Rosalie Healy,
Convent of Mercy,
Kells, Co. Meath
May the God of Mercy and Love bring abundant blessings to you all as you celebrate.
Our love and prayer goes with you.
Annette and the Sisters of the TransPacifico Region
Annette Arnold rsj
Regional Leader
Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart
TransPacificio Region
Image courtesy of jannoon028 at