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Messages Received from the Mercy World #10

Thank you to all who have sent messages for Mercy Day and for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations (23-29 September, 2014). We are hoping to hear from many of our Mercy family and friends over the coming weeks. Send your messages to:


How I wish I might be with you all at Baggot Street and around the world. A Mercy obligation in the States on September 28-29 prevents that. Nonetheless I am with you in mind and heart.

Catherine McAuley must be deeply happy and grateful as she moves among us, rejoicing in our collective willingness to be what we are: Sisters and Friends of Mercy bound together by our global union and charity and by our common desire to serve God's dear people.

May each of us experience new joy, hope, and energy this week. Let us together recommit ourselves to the tender service of God's suffering people, recalling Catherine's own wholehearted spirit and advice: "While we place all our confidence in God, we must act as if all depended on our exertion" (Correspondence, 323).

Mary Sullivan, RSM


Happy Mercy Day to all at Baggot Street and to my Mercy friends across the world. With you in spirit and thinking of you prayerfully today/

Pat Wood rsm
Rockhampton, Australia


To Mary and all at Mercy International Centre.

The Sisters here congratulate you on the 20th Anniversary celebration. We are most grateful for the communication we are receiving and feel well connected to Catherine and Mercy.
Thanks for the ongoing work and we look forward to the live streaming which you have made possible for us.
Happy Feastday on the 24th.

The Cookstown Sisters.


United in prayer and joy filled gratitude with our Mercy Family around the world on this momentous occasion .

Anne Corrigan

U.S. Province


Carlow University ,commemorating the 85th anniversary of its founding on September 24, joins with the worldwide Mercy community in celebrating the bonds that unite all the members of the Mercy family. May the blessings that have come to us through Mercy International Association and Mercy International Centre continue to encourage and energize our efforts to create a just and merciful world.


Congrats and good wishes to each and all of you on this special Anniversary of Mercy International! We are indeed proud to be part of this celebration and we thank you all for making this possible for us. We join in prayer with our Mercy family and ask God through the intercession of our Foundress Catherine McAuley for a blessing on all of us on this happy occasion. This Mercy Day will be very special as we gather to celebrate the Eucharist with our sisters from many parts of the world.

Prayers and many blessings.
Sisters of Mercy, Callan, Co. Kilkenny.


Good luck and congratulations to MIA in all the celebrations. Catherine Flood rsm
South Central Province
The Congregation


Every blessing for all the celebrations and look forward to seeing you early in October.
Colette Cronin rsm


















Read messages on page #9                                        Read messages on page #11



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