September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Thank you to all who have sent messages for Mercy Day and for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations (23-29 September, 2014). We are hoping to hear from many of our Mercy family and friends over the coming weeks. Send your messages to:
We, the Sisters of Mercy North Sydney , would like to offer our congratulations for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations. What a momentous occasion for all of us to participate in.
As Catherine says……’The blessing of unity still dwells among us….This is the spirit of the Order – the true spirit of mercy flowing in us’.
Thank you so much to all in Mercy International Centre, Baggot Street as you wrap up the final bits and pieces. I have eagerly read your news each week in Mercy e-news and two Associates and self will join you bright and early on the 24th D.V. We are travelling from West Limerick and Limerick City.
Martina Bourke, R.S.M.
South Central Provincial Leadership Team
The Congregation
Mary Hanrahan rsm
Aotearoa New Zealand
Image courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon at