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Messages Received from the Mercy World #8

Thank you to all who have sent messages for Mercy Day and for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations (23-29 September, 2014). We are hoping to hear from many of our Mercy family and friends over the coming weeks. Send your messages to:






Every blessing on this special Mercy Day to all at Mercy International

Caitriona O Hara rsm
The Congregation


Congratulations and blessings on this special occasion from your Mercy sisters in Zambia.


Congrats and good wishes to each and all of you on this special Anniversary of Mercy International! We are indeed proud to be part of this celebration and we thank you all for making this possible for us. We join in prayer with our Mercy family and ask God through the intercession of our Foundress Catherine McAuley for a blessing on all of us on this happy occasion. This Mercy Day will be very special as we gather to celebrate the Eucharist with our sisters from many parts of the world. Prayers and many blessings.

Sisters of Mercy, Callan, Co. Kilkenny.


Mary, just to say “thinking of you” and you can be sure we are keeping all in prayer in the days ahead. Computers primed – your test video from the Chapel watched – all is in readiness.

Sr Berneice Loch
Institute Leader
Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea


We are united in spirit during these special days of celebration. I had the privilege of being at the opening celebration of the Mercy International Center. It was a wonderful celebration!

Blessings and Happy Mercy Day!
Sister Mary Alice Synkewecz
Northeast Mercy Community in the USA


Joining with all of the Sisters of Mercy throughout the world in prayer and reflection at this time.
Congratulations on the beautiful prayer services.
The Mercy Sisters in Boca Raton, Florida


Congratulations on your 20th anniversary.
I am so sorry I cannot join you in person but I will be linking in 'online'.
Hope it all goes well for you and the team.

Catherine McEvoy
Circle of Mercy
Northern Province


Read messages on page #7                             Read messages on page #9


Image courtesy of suphakit73 at