September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Thank you to all who have sent messages for Mercy Day and for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations (23-29 September, 2014). We are hoping to hear from many of our Mercy family and friends over the coming weeks. Send your messages to:
Greetings and blessings to every sister, associate, companion and partner in Mercy from all of us in the Americas!
Were Catherine McAuley with us today, what words of blessing and wisdom might she share? Knowing how we are scattered around the world (as she always hoped we would be) and seeing how troubled today’s world is and how desperately in need of the works and spirit of mercy, she might expand a bit on a reminder she shared with her infant community:
Remember, dear ones, no matter how distant we may be from one another, how pressing the needs of those with and for whom we serve and how we long for strength, courage and reassurance that our busyness, weariness and frustration with our small efforts are still sufficient for the day, we are still together, centered in God for whom alone we go forward or stay back.
C. McAuley
The Academy of Mary Immaculate in Melbourne, Australia sends good wishes and prayers during this time of celebration. We are with you in spirit and prayer throughout the days ahead.
A great celebration of vision, faith and courage.
Loving greetings to you all.
Mary Moloney, rsm
Staff and Students, Academy of Mary Immaculate
Prayers, congratulations and good wishes as we celebrate the Twentieth Anniversary of Mercy International. As I am not with you in person, I join you in spirit and prayer.
Blessings of peace, love and good will to all.......................Angelus.
Stella Maria
Rosary Lane
Taylor's Hill
Dear Friends in Mercy
A very happy Mercy day to you for the 24th.
I will be away in Kiunga in Papua New Guinea on that day, visiting some of the Mercies in their ministry in PNG,
and since there is very little internet access there,
I am sending my message early.
Know that I will be with you in prayer and in spirit on that special day.
May our loving God of mercy and compassion be especially close to you,
blessing you with peace, joy and a deep spirit of commitment to those most in need in our world.
With my love and prayers,
Tricia McDermott rsm
To all my friend in the world
Big times in Ireland and around the world!
Mary Stanton rsm
South Central, Institute of the Americas
All loving Blessings of MERCY & WISDOM for MIA and her Associates around the World, through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of Mercy and Catherine McAuley, our Sister of Mercy. Amen. Alleluia
Warmest Regards
Leonie Martin rsm
Sisters of Mercy, Parramatta, NSW, Australia
Dear Friends in Mercy,
As we gather for Mercy day this year we look back in a special way to origins in Dublin, and forward to continued partnerships in the name of our God of compassion. The foundation story has much to offer as together we respond to our world with its hopes and joys. Time for three steps into the unknown.
Mary Tinney
Brisbane, Qld Australia
To: Mercy Sisters throughout the world.
Special greetings to all Mercy Sisters, Associates, Circles of Mercy and Friends.
May the Blessings of Mercy in all its attributes be with you on the 24th September and every day. May the God of Love Peace and Joy sustain us all in our efforts to minister to those in need.
Our Lady of Mercy pray for us. Venerable Catherine McAuley lead and guide us in the way of Light and Truth.
Hopefully the forthcoming days of the 20th Celebrations in Baggott St. will renew us all in our commitment to Mercy.
From: Sisters of Mercy Northern Province Ireland
Congratulations to all at MIA for the extraordinary work you have put into this celebration – I shall be with you in Prayer. And may this feast be a celebration of all that Mercy can be in our world.
Blessings to all
Karon Donnellon rsm
To All Sister of Mercy, Associates, Volunteers and Staff
With a comfortable cup of tea in hand lets dance through MIC like Catherine did when she had a party at her home. So on this special Mercy Day in 2014 let's celebrate with each other through the Mercy World.
May Our Lady of Mercy with Catherine beside her bless us all.
May Our Lord fill our hearts with His love and peace on OUR Special day.
So to all: have a Happy Mercy Day.
Keeping all in my prayers
Love from
Anne Simons
Mercy Associate (Canberra - Australia)
May I convey the warmest of congratulations to all involved with Mercy International Association on your 20th Anniversary. The pioneering work of the Association is both exemplary and inspiring, and as I am writing on behalf of the Board and staff of Fraynework, we acknowledge with appreciation the endeavours of all involved.
Kind regards
Julien O’Connell AM
Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee at