September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Thank you to all who have sent messages for Mercy Day and for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations (23-29 September, 2014). We are hoping to hear from many of our Mercy family and friends over the coming weeks. Send your messages to:
As we looked again at the recording of the opening of Mercy International in 1994, it was hard to imagine it was 20 years ago.
The International Mercy family has truly come alive and we all feel so connected.
We wish you all a wonderful celebration of Mercy.
With our love and prayer
The Sisters of the Union of Great Britain
I will forever treasure my trip to Mercy International Centre last summer and truly felt Catherine McAuley's presence and spirit as I walked the streets of Dublin.
Special blessing to all of you as you prepare to celebrate the 20th Anniversary!
In Mercy
Sr Carolyn Rosica
Rochester, NY (NyPPaW Community)
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Szczesliwego Dnia Milosierdzia
Happy Mercy Day
Congratulations…blessings...thank you
Blogoslawienstwa , wszystkiego dobrego,
z okazji Dnia Milosierdzia
Mary O’Sullivan rsm,
Oswiecim/Auschwitz, Poland
Centre for Dialogue and Prayer in Oswiecim
It is my sincere hope and prayer that the extended celebrations at this time will raise awareness in every community and in each individual of the vision of the Mercy International Association and the unique, extraordinary opportunity which the network gives us to be an effective voice for justice and compassion across the world.
Peggy Collins rsm
Sisters of Mercy
South Central Province, Ireland
Greetings to all the Sisters of Mercy on our forthcoming Feast Day, 24th September 2014.
May each be Blessed with Joy, Peace and Hope, as we share together our concerns for all those in pain and neglect in these turbulent years of the 21st Century. We pray God’s protection to all of us who are involved in working for Peace, Justice and Reconciliation these days. We pray also for the Sisters breaking new ground in the care of Asylum Seekers and those suffering from Human Trafficking. May we all be aware of the hunger of the Spirit and strive to help those seeking God in difficult situations. May the God of Mercy and compassion be with us day by day as we confront many challenges in Society today. Mother of Mercy be our advocate. Venerable Catherine McAuley guide our steps in light and truth.
Veronica O'Brien rsm
Sisters of Mercy
Northern Province Ireland
Congratulations to ALL those working to make the 20th Anniversary of the opening of Mercy International Centre such a historic occasion. It will be particularly significant for those who began the project all those years ago, and those who carried the responsibility for uniting us all in Mercy across the world since then.
The week-long celebration will focus not only on all that has been achieved but also on all that is coming to birth in ministry worldwide. Our gratitude for giving us all a window on the richness of life in Mercy World in the 21st century.
May all of us, sisters, associates, colleagues and other friends - especially religious women of other congregations who rejoice with us - have a wonderful celebration.
Trocaire Abu!
Noeleen and Bonnie
Sisters of Mercy
(the Congregation)
As we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of
Mercy International Association
We pray with you in gratitude
and confidence.
May Mary Mother of Mercy
continue to inspire all of us
with courage and depth of imagination
as we further God’s mission of Mercy.
Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy
13/14 Moyle Park,
Dublin. Ireland.
To all of Mercy world
Congratulations on this 20th anniversary!
May we all enjoy the celebrations of this milestone as we recall what has been achieved together that we could not have done alone.
I recall with gratitude all who have worked at MIC who have made it possible for others to visit and be nourished in spirit.
Denise Fox rsm
Sisters of Mercy New Zealand
Dear Mercies all over the world,
Anniversaries and Mercy Days are ours to celebrate with joy!!
so greetings to you all from Cambodia and Costa Rica.
The States Parties meeting of the cluster munitions treaty is happening in San Jose Costa Rica this week. Two new countries, Belize and democratic Republic of Congo joined the community of nations outlawing this treaty this very afternoon so we are all a bit high. This morning The Holy See spoke very strongly about the devastating use of Cluster munitions these days. The reference of course was to Syria, Ukraine and South Sudan. Countries like Cambodia. Laos and Vietnam suffered terribly from these weapons in the seventies and those left in the ground still explode blowing off arms and legs and blinding our friends.
Peace and the plight of refugees, the arms trade and the despoiled environment thirst for our prayers and commitment these days of Mercy celebration and grace." The tender Mercy of God has given us one another".
Enjoy the Dublin celebrations.
With love from Denise Coghlan rsm and the Metta Karuna team Cambodia
Many of us in CCASA have had the opportunity to pray and be with Catherine in her house. So we rejoice in those memories and send heartfelt greetings to all gathered to celebrate 20 years of Mercy International. Happy Mercy Day to all in the Circle of Mercy around the world.
Deborah Watson, RSM
CCASA:Argentina (Americas)
How small our world is when we can be united across our planet to celebrate this great milestone.
Happy Mercy Day and happy 20th anniversary to Mercy International Centre/Association. Thoughts are with those who gather in Dublin at this time. May Mercy be vibrant and vivacious!
Anne Ferguson,
Mission Animator with Parramatta Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy.
Image: courtesy of Master isolated images at