September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Songs for the Prayer Ritual on Mercy Day. Prepared by The Congregation
Theme for the day: Celebrating Mercy Day
Opening Song: Gather. © Words and Music by Liam Lawton Used with permission.
Gather from the East, gather from the West, Gather from the highways too. Gather from the North, gather from the South, Gather when the night is noon. And we’ll gather, and we shall reap, And no longer in sadness we’ll weep, And we’ll gather, and we shall reap resting, rising, calling, guiding O Lord. Gather all the needy, gather all in pain, Gather all who cry in vain. Gather all the thirsty, gather all the poor, Gather all in Jesus’ name. |
Gather all forgotten, gather all forlorn, Gather all who weep and mourn. Gather all the silent, gather all who sing, Gather all the hearts reborn. And we’ll gather, and we shall reap, And no longer in sadness we’ll weep, And we’ll gather, and we shall reap resting, rising, calling, guiding O Lord. Gather from all races, gather from all creeds, Gather that you may believe. Gather all you ages, gather in his keep, Gather in the Lord’s own peace. And we’ll gather, and we shall reap, And no longer in sadness we’ll weep, And we’ll gather, and we shall reap resting, rising, calling, guiding O Lord |
Refrain: 'Our hearts are centred in God' © Music by Perpetua McNulty rsm (The Congregation). Used with permission
Suscipe of Catherine McAuley © Music by Catherine Teresa Martin (The Congregation). Used with permission