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Practise Your Singing: Rehearse for Participation in the 20th Anniversary Celebration Rituals #1

As we prepare for the week of celebration (23-29 September, 2014) we invite you to practice your singing. Where available, we are providing the music for the songs to be sung on these days.

Tuesday 23 September. Ritual prepared by the Americas

Theme of the day: Telling the Story of the establishment of Mercy International Association & Centre

Holy is God. © Liam Lawton. From The Clouds' Veil: The Song of the Celtic Soul.
Used with permission. Singer Marie Cox rsm

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Now is the time, now is the place.
Here we all gather in God’s holy space.
Here is our hope, here is our light,
dawn is approaching and gone is the night.
All you who thirst, come seek and find.
Drink from the fountain of heaven’s sweet wine.
All you who hunger, come seek and find.
God of all plenty, God every kind.


Holy, holy is God, God of all wisdom, God of the Word
Holy, holy is God, God ever faithful, God of all love.


Here is the source, here is the stream.
Here we shall drink heaven’s water so clean.
Here we shall bathe in Wisdom’s delight,
cleansed of our failings in God’s loving sight.
All you who hide, come to the fore.
Come cross the threshold of God’s open door.
All who despair, come to the fore.
Eat of the table with God by your side.

Now share the story, now we recall
how God leads the children who answer the call.
Now we remember all those in need;
God come to comfort, the hungry to feed.
Let us give thanks, let us sing songs.
Come to the feast of the God of all gods.
Let us give praise, let us sing songs.
Come to the feast of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 What Mercy May Yet Be. © Cynthia Serjak rsm (Americas). Used with permission.

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 Intercessory Prayers. I Stand at the Door and Knock: © Sheila Carney rsm (Americas). Used with permission.

Cantor: “I stand at the door and knock. Open to me.”
All repeat: “I stand at the door and knock. Open to me.”

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