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The Story so far: the Re-founding, Blessing & Opening and Growth of MIC

This year we have been retelling the story of Mercy International Association and in so doing rejoicing in the providential guidance of God, honouring the courageous women whose faith and courage enabled them to lead through times of transition and recognising that we stand on the shoulders of the many who generously ran the Association and the Centre over the past twenty years.

Here is the retelling of the story so far:

January 2014

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Mercy International Association
Celebrating this special milestone in the story of MIA

Trocaire '81- a Refounding Moment
Trocaire '81, the first international gathering of Sisters of Mercy, prefigures MIA

February 2014

'Behold I am doing a new thing - do you not perceive it?' (Isaiah 43:19)
The Context in which the concept of Mercy International Association was conceived

Birthing the Dream

Mary Trainer's reflections on the coming together and work of the International Steering Committee.

'The Last Days of Old Baggot Street'

Memories of Sister Magdalena Frisby and Rosaleen Hogan rsm

Help us to Identify Everyone in this Group Photo
Members of the1st Working group for MIA, the Review of Proposals Task Force, August 1990

Linking the Old to the New, the Past to the Future
Carmel McCarthy rsm recounts the event of the last six months at the Convent of Mercy, Baggot Street (September 1992–March 1993)

Four of the Sisters involved in significant ways with the Baggot Street Project: Srs Kath Burke, Mary Quinn, Elizabeth McCaver, Canice Hanrahan, share their memories 

Turning Dreams into Plans
Work on transforming Baggot Street into MIC gets underway and the First Team is appointed

Reflections of the International Steering Committee 1994
The International Steering Committee share their reflections on the significance of Baggot Street for world-wide Mercy

Celebrating the Opening of Mercy International Centre 1994
The story of the opening events of Mercy International Centre

March 2014

Quotations from the Baggot Street Story, 1989 -1994
Words that were spoken or written on behalf of the Baggot Street project

Catherine Arrives at Baggot Street, 21 July 1994
The story of the Michael Burke statue

The First MIC Team Share Memories of the Early Years
The five members of the first team at MIC recall the events of those days

Team Members at Mercy International Centre 1994-
Giving thanks for the members of each of the MIC Teams

Memories of MIC years: Mary Hanrahan rsm (1997-2001)
Mary Hanrahan rsm recalls her time as Director at MIC

Memories of MIC Years: Rosie Carroll rsm (2001-2005)
Rosie Carroll rsm share memories of her years as Director at MIC

Memories of MIC Years: Caitlin Conneely rsm (2005-2009)
Caitlín Conneely rsm shares from her memories as Director of MIC 

For Love of Music
Musical performances in the Baggot Street Chapel

The Restoration and Re-dedication of the Telford Organ
Nancy Whitley rsm recounts the story of the restoration and re-dedication of the Telford Organ

Catherine Experiences at Mercy International Centre
Anne Reid explains how the 'Come Home to Catherine' programmes came to be at MIC

'Welcome Home!' MIC Programmes
Programmes at MIC 1994-2014

List of Places Named for Catherine McAuley #1
Identifying all the places in the world named for Catherine McAuley (Argentina - Timor Leste)

List of Places Named for Catherine McAuley #2
Identifying all the places in the world named for Catherine McAuley (USA)

April 2014

World Mercy Heritage
Protecting, preserving and sharing our Mercy heritage

How the Catherine McAuley Rose Came to Baggot Street
The story of how the Catherine McAuley rose came to be planted at Baggot Street

The Naming of the Catherine McAuley Rose
The origins of the Catherine McAuley rose

 Memorial Garden, Brick Wall and Rill
Some of the features of MIC

Acknowledging the Generosity of Volunteers at MIC, 1994-2014
Volunteers have given generous support and service at MIC since its opening in 1994

Communicating the Ongoing Story of Mercy
The creation of an online presence for MIA

The Establishment, Growth and Contribution of MIACOM
The establishment of the Communications Consultative Group and MIACOM and the work of MIACOM

How are we to be together? Our Reflections on MIACOM
Reflections by Srs Ethel Bignell, Mary Conway and Denise Fox

Programme for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations at Baggot Street Now Available Online
Details of the 20th Anniversary Celebrations

May 2014

Effective Communication to Support our Shared Engagement in Mercy Mission
The development of the website, 1998 -

Mercy E-news - Connecting Mercy Persons Across the Globe
The creation, development and continuing impact of Mercy E-news

Mercy Through the Years... the Origins of the MIC Calendar
The story of the calendar

MIA Leadership, Current Team and Expert Support
Those who have served and continue to serve MIA

MIA Memories
Ethel Bignell rsm (ANZ), MIA Administrator, shares memories of her years at MIA

June 2014

From Working Separately to Working Together – MIA Work-for-Justice #1
Story of the Mercy International Justice Programme

An Account of the Mercy International Justice Network - Suzanne Ryder rsm
Suzanne Ryder rsm reflects on MIJN and the Mercy commitment to Justice

Mercy International Justice Network - Patricia Hartigan rsm
Patricia Hartigan rsm reflects on the MIJN and the Mercy commitment to justice

Point Persons at Work Preparing for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations
Local Preparations for the twentieth anniversary celebrations of MIA

From Working Separately to Working Together – MIA Work-for-Justice #2
History of the MIA Justice Programme

Remembering Two Decades of Mercy International at the United Nations in this 20th Anniversary Year
The story of Mercy at the UN: 1994-2014

The Work of Global Justice - My Memories: Dale Jarvis rsm
Dale Jarvis rsm reflects on her ministry time at the UN

The Significance of Place: Deirdre Mullan rsm
Report by Deirdre Mullan on her 10 years at Mercy Global Concern at the UN

Future of the Global Action Ministry...A Call to Continue Catherine McAuley’s Vision...
The ‘call’ to look at mercy anew, within the context of the MIA Global Action programme

July 2014

What Lies Ahead: Future Focus of Mercy Global Action at the UN
Mercy Global Action at the UN looks the the future

This was the Day: Opening of Mercy International Centre, 23 July 1994
Video of the Opening of MIC in 1994

Final reminder: Bookings close 1 August
Celebrating 20 years of Mercy International Association at Baggot Street

Forthcoming in Mercy E-news: Getting Ready for the September Celebrations
Preparing us all for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations

Celebrating the Opening of MIC on 23 July
Reports from gatherings at MIC to celebrate the 20th Anniversary on the actual date

August 2014

Practise Your Singing: Rehearse for Participation in the 20th Anniversary Celebration Rituals #1: Americas - 23 September (Opening Ritual)
Practise Your Singing: Rehearse for Participation in the 20th Anniversary Celebration Rituals
: The Congregation - 24 September
Practise Your Singing: Rehearse for Participation in the 20th Anniversary Celebration Rituals
: Great Britain - 25 September
Practise Your Singing: Rehearse for Participation in the 20th Anniversary Celebration Rituals
: Australia and Papua New Guinea - 26 September (morning)
Practise Your Singing: Rehearse for Participation in the 20th Anniversary Celebration Rituals
: Newfoundland - 26 September (afternoon)
Practise Your Singing: Rehearse for Participation in the 20th Anniversary Celebration Rituals
: Aotearoa New Zealand - 28 September
Practise Your Singing: Rehearse for Participation in the 20th Anniversary Celebration Rituals
: Philippines - 29 September (Closing Ritual)
Practise Your Singing: Rehearse for Participation in the 20th Anniversary Celebration Rituals
: Mercy Day Eucharist

Participating in the Celebrations at Baggot Street from Wherever You are in the World
The programme for the events at Baggot Street showing Irish Time with local times in Member Countries

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA