September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
‘Our story is not only the story of Catherine McAuley but of generations of women in whom Mercy has called forth a passionate and realistic response to the cry of the poor. Today the cries have assumed global proportions. We are being challenged to link with one another right across the world so that the Broken Heart of Mercy can enter more deeply into us and embrace God's beloved poor.’ (Kath Burke rsm. 1991)
Mercy International Association, founded in 1992, has given life to new global expressions of Mercy among Sisters of Mercy, their associates and colleagues in ministry worldwide. The Association is a simple structure which enables Mercy people to work in partnership to continue the work of Catherine McAuley in a Mercy response to global poverty and human need.
‘For over 150 years, the call was to move the founding spirit of Catherine McAuley to all parts of the world to address whatever the most significant needs might be.’ (MIA Visioning Statement 2006). In the 1980’s a new movement took place.
The mandalas which represent seven major congregational groupings are symbolic of the movement from acting locally and autonomously, to being global as well; to sharing local experiences in a way that enriches and makes possible global mercy ministry.
“See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19