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Water – Protecting a Vital Resource (Aotearoa New Zealand)

Ko au te awa ko te awa ko au
I am the river and the river is me

Water is a very topical issue in Aotearoa New Zealand. Early in February 2014 the submissions on the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management closed. Nga Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand sent to Government a letter that endorsed the submission made by the Methodist Church of New Zealand. The primary issue surrounds water quality and what level of purity is required.     


        The Whakapapa River in New Zealand trickles off the Whakapapa skifield of Mount Ruapehu, of the mountain
          through Owhango before finally merging with the Whanganui River. photo by ed 37 on Flickr. Used under CCO

We use water in a variety of ways – for the use of industry (agricultural, manufacturing, commercial and retail) and for leisure and recreation. Yet we forget we share the river with other life forms and that water has a sacred dimension for many cultures and religions. After all without water there is no life.
During the month of March I invite you to take the time to reflect on Water.

How do we use water?

  • Every day use in our home and work place
  • Rituals that highlight its preciousness and cleansing power (e.g. sign of the cross or visiting a cemetery -to name just a few)
  • Recreation and enjoyment

How do other creatures use water?

  • Those life forms that live in water
  • Those life forms that rely on water for life

What happens when humanity alters water quality or denies access? Are we being responsible stewards for creation?

Messages to: Bridget Crisp rsm - Mercy Global Action Aotearoa New Zealand