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Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Mercy International Association

This year, 2014, is a special milestone in the story of Mercy International Association, marking as it does the 20th Anniversary of the opening of Mercy International Centre.

But why celebrate an Anniversary? Søren Kierkegaard, the Danish philosopher and theologian, says that life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forward. There is so much truth in his observation. An exploration of our history can reveal the wisdom, hope, openness to risk that was not clearly evident at the time but shaped a chapter of our life in a profound way.

However, this is not about living life through the rear view mirror,  but of holding a consciousness of our story that inspires and energises us to faithfully live the original vision and values in the present and commit to the future with equal hope and openness to risk. Over the year, we will retell the story of Mercy International Association and in so doing rejoice in the providential guidance of God, honour the courageous women whose faith and courage enabled them to lead through times of transition and recognise that we stand on the shoulders of the many who generously ran Association and the Centre over the past twenty years

How we will do this

Tell the Story:
The Mercy world website and weekly e-News will unfold the early and ongoing story over the year, focussing on a particular aspect each week. You will notice that both the website and e-News format have got a new look for the occasion. Of special significance will be the week- long celebration from 23 September (eve of Mercy Day ) to 29 September. Watch out for details of the events which are designed for celebration at the international level in Baggot Street and at the local level in each area,

Live the Story
The current living of the story (mercy-ing as Pope Francis wonderfully calls it) will be highlighted throughout the year. All programmes, pilgrimages and tours at Baggot Street will offer nourishment to participants in living the Mercy story and embodying Mercy. As part of the week long celebrations, there will be a two day conference focussing on our call to promote sustainable development in our world and to oppose the trafficking of women and children.

Support the Story
In order to ensure the viability of Mercy International Association into the future, we have launched a Fundraising drive aimed at establishing an Endowment Fund. Our invitation to donors is to join the international circle of Mercy friends, collaborators and supporters who believe in and want to further the vision and works of Mercy international. For further information on this initiative, click here Mary Waskowiak rsm, our Fundraising/Development Director will share on this exciting project with you each week in e-News – starting in this edition.
A further project in supporting the Mercy Story will be an upgrade to the International Room which will include the updating of the images of Mercy Ministry around the world and the installation of some modern multi media equipment.


We invite every member of the Mercy Global family – Sisters, Associates, Partners in Ministry, Friends, those served by Mercy ministry – to partake in the celebrations of this year. There will be several opportunities offered to be informed, be involved and most of all be enriched by the events of this coming year.

Taking a little licence with the words of Catherine we say:
Hurra for celebrations, makes the old young and the young merry

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA