September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
As the reports reach us, we are coming to realize the depth of the disaster caused by Typhoon Haiyan.
Many of the Aid Agencies say it is beyond anything they have experienced before. UNICEF has highlighted particularly the plight of children and is very concerned about the vulnerability of those who are homeless and are orphaned because of losing their parents in the disaster. Tacloban, one of the main places where our Sisters live and minister is so badly destroyed that much effort is concentrated on evacuating the city. One wonders if or how long it will take to restore normal life there. Our Sisters, their families and those with whom and to whom they minister are engulfed in the chaos, the trauma and the pain of it all.
The Mercy world is responding with boundless generosity.
Your prayers, donations and concern are greatly appreciated by Mercy International and in a particular way by our Sisters in the Philippines. Please continue to use your network of influence to invite others to get involved in the support effort.
If you would like to get an overview of Mercy Ministry in the Philippines click here. A fuller description can be accessed here
Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA