September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
The latest issue (Vol. 21, No. 2) of The MAST Journal was recently published. Editor Eloise Rosenblatt rsm reports that the issue is focused on “The Spirituality of Healing,” paying attention to the original inspiration for building hospitals and creating systems.
• Elaine Wainwright rsm provides a scriptural foundation for the theme by focusing on two scenes in Matthew’s gospel.
• Sharon Kerrigan rsm roots the healing stories in the Gospel of Mark in the healing tradition of the Greco-Roman.
• Joyce Turnbull rsm a nursing educator, provides some sketches about persons in Irish and British history who tried to make healthcare available to the poor.
• Roxanne Dolak rsm the last Sister of Mercy on the staff of Kalispell Regional Medical Center, reviews a century of healthcare in that corner of northwestern Montana.
• Maria Allo, MD, surgeon and specialist in endocrinology, tells of her own challenges with auto-immune disease.
• Mark Hehir, now disabled by muscular dystrophy, gives a moving account of his spiritual journey to stay active and connected with others.
• Sandra Jewett, Ed.D provides a personal account of how devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe offers Latina women a specifically woman-centered source of healing in the Catholic tradition.
• Diane Grassilli rsm now deceased, in her 2005 talk, “Mission Leadership in Catholic Healthcare West,” reviews the history of the formation of that healthcare network of over 40 institutions, recounting the enduring vision and values that propel the Mercy ministry of healthcare no matter what form it takes.
As usual the issue provides discussion questions for those who want to use the essays for communal reflection with sisters, associates or partners in ministry.
The MAST Journal is published three times a year by the Mercy Association in Scripture and Theology. To subscribe please contact Julia Upton rsm at If you are interested in obtaining a back issue, please contact Marie Michele Donnelly rsm at