September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Watering the Roots at the Wellspring of Mercy, June 16-21, 2013. Overview of the Week Three programme. Presenter: Madeline Duckett rsm (ISMAPNG).
How do we ‘sense’ another’s soul and what moves her to do what she does? Perhaps it can be known in some small way when something of another’s life, vision, motivation and legacy stir us deeply. In this week we will explore and contemplate together aspects of Catherine’s life, vision and the legacy she left. We will seek to ‘sense the soul’ of Catherine within the facts of her story. In this we may know again the deeper roots of our own Mercy hearts. We will draw upon imagination, creativity, lived prayer and experience to plunge deeply into the Wellspring of Mercy and be nourished at the source.
There are 9 videos and a number of documents that comprise this online resource.