September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
“I had a strong feeling for the plight of women and children throughout my life. I am now aware that trafficking of humans is cropping up all over the place. How can I get involved?” is the website of a coalition of Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans. It is inspired by the scripture verse, John 10:10, ‘I came that they may have life and have it to the full.’ It is a very comprehensive site and has many helpful resources for raising awareness among new-comers to the Trafficking issue.
What you can do?
Visit the ACRATH website now- and go to ‘About Us’ and watch the 3 minute video clip on Trading Lives underneath 4 red names squares. Go to Resources on the top bar and click. Then click on the first red box, Be Aware. This opens the Anti-Slavery Australia website and the Factsheets listed are very informative. To the left of this page Resources in black are listed, click on Educational Videos and you will see ‘Slavery Happens Here’, a 6 mins video for school students. This video is made by students from a Secondary College in Sydney and is very worthwhile. When finished close that current tab. You are now back to 4 red boxes Click on ‘Help Trafficked People’ square, on the left-hand side you will see differnt occupations, and click on one that may suit you e.g. For any community member, For a church, and see if you can take action on any of the listed items in your own Local Community, Church or Country. Close that tab.
You are back on the 4 red squares page again. Now click on Article Categories to the right, underneath the video clip you may have already watched, and click on your own area or interest, e.g. Europe. This one opens you to a broad range of websites related to Human Trafficking. Hope this works easily for you.
With some of this introductory information and your interaction with it, you may find that you can contribute in a meaningful way to raising awareness about Human Trafficking issues at local, national and global level.
Prayer: Merciful and caring God, help us to realise that we, too, have a task in this world where markets decide, not only the price of coffee but also that of people. Give us the courage to speak out against injustice and abuse, and to stand with the many invisible people who are put through unimaginable sufferings. We ask this through Christ , our Lord.