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Join the Million Signatures Campaign and Help Bring About Malala's Dream (MIA)

Malala Yousafzai, the 14 year old girl from Pakistan who was attacked by the Taliban for promoting the rights of girls to attend school, lies recovering in hospital.

Her story illustrates the huge challenges facing Pakistan as it tries to get millions of young girls into schools and the dangers they face.

Malala is becoming the icon for 32 million girls worldwide who are out of primary school.

November 10 has been declared Malala Day, exactly one month since Malala fought off an assassination attempt against her by the Taliban.

On that day, November 10th, the UN Special Envoy for Global Education will travel to Pakistan to deliver to President Zardari over million calls - in the form of signatures - to make education a reality for all Pakistani children.

On that day the petition will also be handed to the United Nations to ensure international support for the push for girls' education and the right of every child to go to school.

Mercy International Association supports the right to an education for all people. Sisters of Mercy have been involved in teacher training in Pakistan for over twenty years.

Visit and add your name to the petition

The Partnership for Global Justice will publish What Price a Girl's Life? in December, 2012. This booklet, with a foreword written by H.E.Joy Oguv, Permanent Ambassador of Nigeria to the UN, is dedicated to the courage of 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai, who was shot because of her efforts to promote education for the Girl Child. For further details, click here