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Mercy Ministry of Prayer (MIA)

Catherine McAuley frequently spoke of the power of prayer. One of her oft repeated sayings was ‘Prayer will do more than all the money in the bank of Ireland’ and in one of her letters she requested ‘Get all the prayers you can for me’.

A core aim of Mercy International Association is to provide a structure through which members of the Mercy global family can share their resources to respond to need. We may sometimes forget that a major resource we all have at our disposal is prayer. Each week, several thousand visitors visit the mercyworld website and many visitors are also e-news readers. To each and all of those we extend an invitation, i.e. to join with us and with each other in praying for a particular intention.

Think of the power of that combined and communal prayer!

The prayer can be very simple. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Include it as an intention at Eucharistic Prayer of the Faithful or as an intercession at Morning and/or Evening Prayer.
  • Pause for a moment during the day, at work or relaxing, to bring the intention before God.
  • Post your prayer at Catherine’s tomb or at Baggot Street chapel
  • Use your favourite prayer of intercession
  • Use this prayer/reflection UNANIMA Prayer: Eco-Justice (DOC)

Here is the Mercy International Association intention for the coming week:

That the decision makers at RIO+20 will commit with immediacy and measurable efficacy to end poverty and to shift development and economic policies onto a more sustainable and equitable pathway.

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

Photo Credit: Casamento Photography. Used with Permission