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Sisters of Mercy lobby their governments in preparation for the Rio + 20 Conference

MIA member Congregations and Institutes have been lobbying their governments to include an ethical framework in the Zero Draft of the Outcome Document for Rio+20. This Summit is a unique opportunity to realize the vision of a just, sustainable and peaceful future for the community of life on Earth, our common home. We are asking Governments to ensure that:-


  1. The Zero Draft of the Outcome Document must affirm a strong definition of sustainable development and a shared vision of ethical and spiritual values that inspire and guide cooperative action for change among all stakeholders and across all sectors.
  2. The Zero Draft of the Outcome Document recommends Ombudspersons for future generations, sustainable development goals, and new measures of the GDP. It must also include implementing the Precautionary Principle, the Common but Differentiated Responsibility Principle, a Corporate Sustainability Responsibility Convention, Millennium Consumption Goals, and a mandate for trusteeship of the global common good on behalf of all peoples, the greater community of life, and future generations.

The current "ethical" framework guiding globalization (i.e., limitless economic growth and short-term gain) does not support sustainable development. Despite 25 years of efforts to make development sustainable, we have failed in this commitment to progress toward a just, equitable, sustainable, and peaceful future for all.

Messages to Mary Purcell