September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Sister Deidre Mullan who has been the Assistant Director of MGC for the past twelve months has recently been appointed Director.
In the twelve months since she has been at the New York office, Deirdre has been involved with United Nations processes for peace issues, sustainable development, trafficking in women, and ageing. She is a member of the "working group on girls," and has been elected onto the executive committee of the Department of Public Information.
In coming to MGC Deirdre has expressed her commitment to Mercy global outreach. Her work has brought her into contact with many Mercies who took part in the 2001 Mercy International Justice Network Conference. Deirdre believes that participation in United Nations processes is a means of putting into practice the Conference resolution for action related to all forms of violence against women and children, and racism in all its manifestation.
She believes that the world is at a critical point where we continue on the one hand to have alarming expenditure on conventional, bio-chemical and nuclear weapons on the other hand allow millions of human beings to live in sub-human conditions. She also believes that that the dream of the United Nations, which strives towards interdependence and a vision of one world where people of all creeds, nationalities, can come together in mutual respect, challenges her as a Mercy woman to do what she can to make a difference.
Prior to her involvement in Mercy Global Concern Deirdre lived in Derry in Northern Ireland where she was a teacher for 22 years. From 1998-2000 she was Visiting Professor of Social Sciences at Mount Aloysius College, Pennsylvania, in the United States.
Click here to view article 'Change at MGC'.
Ethel Bignell rsm
MIA Executive Director