September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of Holy Name of Mary Convent in Marystown, Newfoundland.
On September 29, 2002, the Sacred Heart Parish, Marystown held a celebration to mark the anniversary. The event began with a celebration of the Eucharistic Liturgy during which Father Ray Earle, pastor, paid tribute to the Sisters of Mercy for seventy-five years of ministry in the parish and community. He, and the president of the Parish Council, acknowledged, in particular, their contribution to youth through their service in the schools and their presence in the wider community as well. The mayor of the town, Mr. Samuel Synard presented the sisters with a plaque on which was the image of Catherine McAuley and an expression of appreciation.
Afterwards, a reception was held in the parish room during which the parishioners had the opportunity to come and express their personal congratulations and best wishes. It gave the sisters the chance to meet so many of their former students, many of whom are now leaders in both church and community. Later in the evening the sisters were invited to the parish hall for a dinner during which more words of appreciation were expressed.
Madonna Gatherall rsm: