September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
The theme of the fifth Lenten Reflection in this six part series is “Human Trafficking”. You are invited to engage with it by:
This Reflection is suitable for both personal and group engagement.
APT is a faith-based group working against Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in Ireland. It is linked to both the Irish Missionary Union (IMU) and the Conference of Religious of Ireland (CORI). The members first met in December 2005. Concerned about the growing reality of the worldwide trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation, APT wanted to explore ways of working together to prevent this evil.
APT has a wide network of international contacts through colleagues working in countries from which trafficked people originate. For this reason the group believes that, as well as having a responsibility to address the evil of human trafficking, it also has a unique contribution to make in this area.
APT acts to raise awareness of the issue of trafficking in persons and works in collaboration with others for the prevention of the trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation.
In this video, Sheila O Gorman rsm (Congregation, Ireland) presents some stories on how women are trafficked and the work of APT in raising awareness and advocating for the introduction of legislation to protect those who are trafficked into sexual exploitation.
The Mission of Jesus in relation to those who are oppressed is outlined for us in the Gospel of Luke: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is up on me. He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives and new sight to the blind; to free the oppressed and announce the Lord’s year of mercy.’ (Luke 4:18)
There are things which the poor (and marginalised) prize more highly than gold, though they cost the donor nothing. Among these are the kind word, the gentle compassionate look and the patient hearing of their sorrows. (Catherine McAuley)
What do you feel called to do as a response to your engagement with this reflection:
… at a personal level?
… in your sphere of influence?
… at a financial level?
You might like to respond with an action that is a change:
… of attitude
… of heart
… of mind
… of policy
… of funding priorities
Or you might like to join others in prayer and reflection on this theme.