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Change at Mercy Global Concern

At the end of September Wendy Flannery rsm (Australia) ends her term as Director of Mercy Global Concern. Together with Dale Jarvis rsm (Americas), Wendy established this new international Mercy initiative in 1999. Thanks to her creativity, insight, energy and enthusiasm, the Mercy presence as an NGO at United Nations has moved from dream to reality.

The dream at the first Mercy International Justice Network Conference in 1996 was that the voice of Mercy be heard internationally promoting human solidarity and care of Earth. It was Wendy’s task to initiate the changes that have made this dream a reality. Wendy’s commitment to the possibilities offered by the MGC office has meant that during the last three and a half years many Sisters of Mercy and Mercy Associates have had opportunities to create a better world by taking part in significant international processes where policies, programmes and action plans are formulated and articulated.

During Wendy’s time as Director the office was located right opposite the United Nations building in United Nations Plaza. This has given easy access to gatherings and meetings where people try to build frameworks to improve economic and social conditions for Earth’s people. Wendy believes that the Sisters of Mercy can both learn from and contribute to the United Nations process. Her meticulous and untiring research, report writing and networking are the way she as put that belief into practice. Her work for systemic change, meaningful dialogue and authentic consultation has created a wide circle of Mercy friends and has brought credibility to the Mercy effort in this fledgling ministry.

The variety, challenge and participative atmosphere of the United Nations environment was addressed by Wendy and Dale in a three-year plan which represented the aspects of United Nations life in which the Mercy tradition has built up expertise. This capacity to focus Mercy energy has been a significant contribution made by Wendy to the MGC task.

From 1 October the office will be downsized and Deirdre Mullan rsm (Ireland), who has worked as Wendy’s Associate for the last twelve months, will take on the role of MGC Director.

Ethel Bignell: