September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Lent is traditionally a time of fasting. The Scriptures remind us that the kind of fasting God wants for us is ‘to lose the bonds of injustice, to undo the bonds of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free and to break every yoke. (Isaiah 58:6). In this context fasting is equated with practices of justice and the notion of release.
This year the MIA Luncheon series will focus on various aspects of displacement of peoples and the themes will be presented in a Theological Reflection context. Participants will be invited to substitute their lunch with a complimentary bowl of soup and to make a contribution of their regular lunch expense to any of the causes presented. The following are the themes and presenters:
• 9 March: Solidarity with Others. Presenter: Jo Kennedy rsm, social activist.
• 16 March: Hunger in Africa. Presenter: Rebecca Amukhoye, Gorta field worker in Uganda and Tanzania.
• 23 March: Accompanying Refugees. Presenter: Nora Burke rsm, Refugee Support.
• 30 March: Homelessness – The Outsider. Presenter: Alice Leahy, TRUST.
• 6 April: Human Trafficking. Presenter: Sheila O’Gorman rsm, Act to Prevent Trafficking.
• 13 April: Haiti and the Ministry of Haven. Presenter: Kathy Higgins rsm, Haven volunteer in Haiti.
In order to facilitate those who wish to join the programme ‘virtually’, a copy of the presentation and process presented each week will be available on e-news over the six weeks of Lent.
Messages to Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA