September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Christmas Eve or Day, 2010.
In the calm of the cave a new Light shone upon the earth. The Word became flesh and Glory shone across the world giving new hope to all God’s people.
All who welcomed the Word were empowered to become ‘children of God’ and will shine among the heavenly stars giving new hope for all eternity. Alleluia, alleluia.
Glory be to our God, the source of Light and of every beginning;
to the Word made flesh, who in today’s saving act gifted us with new life;
to the Spirit who hovered over the first waters and became the Fountain which gives life to everything on earth.
May the Light, Word and Glory which has existed since the beginning continue to surround us and be completed in us. Amen.
Silent Night or any suitable Carol
In the awesome silence of the night, and gifting us with a new dawn, our God came to save us.