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Vision for the new website

The new web site for Mercy International Association is an invitation into a world wide network of people.

It offers all those who visit the site an invitation to become engaged with Sisters of Mercy and their colleagues and friends throughout the world.

This engagement has a particular focus around the challenges and opportunities to respond to ‘issues of global poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide’. (MIA Vision Statement)

The web platform also offers resources and programs for the development of a Mercy spirituality which is inspired by the Gospel vision of Catherine McAuley.

The Mercy Global Action area of the site is designed to allow Mercy people to upload their stories in text, photographic, video or audio formats from their places of ministry throughout the world, to offer insights and information to accompany these stories and to challenge the visitor to the site to a reflective engagement with the story and its possible call to action. These actions may take the form of prayer, sharing of information, overt advocacy, offering relevant resource materials, including related papers, briefings and commission information from the work led by Sr Deirdre Mullan at the United Nations on behalf of Mercy International Association.

All this information, insight, challenge and calls to action will be supported through the communication available in the social media forms of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Mercy people will be able to invite those you work with to tell their stories to the world and to invite response via this site.

A donations section for your local projects is ready to be launched and will be brought on line very soon.

Meanwhile, if you want the stories told of your work and the issues amongst those with whom you minister, then contact me at and I will facilitate the process for this to occur on the new platform.

The site is a meeting place for those of us in Mercy across the world who will use the Mercy Network section to set up Groups and to hold meetings, to store documents, to write and contribute either in article form or in blog form.

We look forward to finding the site as a support to our everyday endeavours to make a difference in our world particularly with those who are in great need because they are dispossessed; refugees, the homeless, the landless and those without identity or a place to belong.

Adele Howard rsm