September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
On July 20, the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas will mark the 11th anniversary of its founding. In a letter soon to reach Sisters and Associates to commemorate this date, the Institute Leadership Team announces the Institute theme for the coming year: Reverence for the dignity of each person. This year's theme, as with the previous two, was taken from paragraph 8 of the Constitutions:
We strive to witness to mercy when we
Reverence the dignity of each person,
Create a spirit of hospitality and
Pursue integrity of word and deed in our lives.
Institute Week, July 20th - 27th, is a time when a variety of Institute-wide activities are scheduled and when Institute projects and events are celebrated. This is also a time of personal reflection on the quality of our membership and of evaluation of our common efforts to enhance the life of our Institute. This annual period of focus will hopefully heighten a sense of Institute identity and strengthen individual commitment to its directions.