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Remembering Catherine's Life and Death

November 11th 2009 in Baggot Street was for all of us present a memorable day. In particular it was special for those of us team members who are moving on and experiencing for the final time in this holy place this significant day in the life of Catherine, friend and foundress.

Sisters from far and wide began to arrive as time for Liturgy drew near. There was that great sense of it being a holy occasion for them as they came through the door of Catherine's House on Baggot St. It was wonderful to see Sisters who had lived and ministered for many years of their lives come back to remember and to celebrate the life and death of the woman Catherine who made such a difference in the lives of so many people of her time.

Sisters from South Central Province, including members of the Leadership gathered as did Sisters from Southern, Western, Northern and South African Provinces. What a glorious coming together it was. All were warmly welcomed by Caitlin Conneely.

The South Central Leadership Team - Sisters Patricia O'Meara, Thomasina Finn, Anne Doyle, Peggy Collins and Therese Barry.

Mary Reynolds rsm, Executive Director of Mercy International Association, Sebastian Cashen rsm, former superior of Convent of Mercy, Baggot Street, Caitlín Conneely rsm, Director of Mercy International Centre.

The Organ Committee - Sisters Eithene Doyle, Rosaleen Hogan and Carmel Murtagh

Our celebrant was Fr. Paddy Gleeson who has been a great friend to mercy during his life time. He recalled for us that the table on which he would celebrate Eucharist was dedicated to the memory of his father Patrick . What a nice reminder to us all of the generous benefactors who contributed in so many different ways to the restoration of Catherine’s house. May they be greatly rewarded.



Following our Eucharistic celebration which was greatly enhanced by the singing to the accompaniment on the Telford organ people made their way to visit Catherine’s room or the sacred garden and then found their way to the dining room where a wonderful meal was served to all 60 guests. Catherine surely must have smiled.