September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
The Board of Directors of Mercy International Association (MIA) held its annual meeting from May 9-16 in Handsworth, Birmingham, England. The leaders of the nine Mercy congregations throughout the world gathered at St. Mary’s Convent to review MIA’s work during the past year, discuss plans for the future, and elect officers for the coming year.
The MIA Board selected Denise Fox (New Zealand) and Dolores Magee (England) as president and vice president, respectively. Committee Liaisons are: Helen Harding (Newfoundland), Mercy International Centre; Nerida Tinkler (Australia), Mercy International Justice Network; Marie Chin (Americas), Mercy Global Concern, to be followed by her successor in leadership; Denise Fox (New Zealand), MIA Communications; and Patricia Bell (Great Britain), Archives. Sister Ethel Bignell will continue as MIA administrator until October 31, 2007. The congregation leaders proceeded to Dublin, Ireland, for the MIA annual membership meeting on May 16 at Mercy International Centre. Members set in motion a process for visioning future directions for MIA in light of the experience of the last 12 years and the contemporary call to global mission.
“The best thing about the meeting,” said Sister Marie Chin (ILT), “is that we were able to talk to each other about Mercy life and charism in our world today and the worldwide phenomenon of reconfiguration. Reconfiguring our life in Mercy is MISSION.”
Following are highlights of the past year’s activities:
During the next 12 months, the MIA will adopt proactive strategies to give attention to the deeper issues and trends of the times that are the context of the Mercy mission. Specific project goals and strategies are:
Photo caption: MIA Board of Directors (left to right): Back row—Sisters Helen Harding (Newfoundland), Nerida Tinkler (Australia), Breege O’Neill (Ireland), Lourdes Amascual (Philippines), Denise Fox (New Zealand), Dolores Magee (Great Britain Federation) and Patricia Bell (Great Britain Institute); front row—Sisters Marie Chin (Americas) and Evelyn Gallagher (Great Britain Union). Life size sculptures of Venerable Catherine McAuley, Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, and Sister Juliana Hardman, first Superior of St. Mary’s, Handsworth, are by Philip Jackson, FRBS FRSA.
By Celine A. Quinio (Institute of the Americas Communications Office)
This article is reprinted with permission from VITA, the monthly newsletter for Members and Associates of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (volume 14, No 6) June 2005.