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Marion Rankin rsm - an Appreciation

It is with sadness that we announce the death of Sr. Marion Rankin, RIP, who died on Thursday, 1st February after a long illness.

Marion had been a wonderful supporter of MIA since its beginning. In the early days she was part of the catering and hospitality team at Mercy International Centre. Many of the Staff and Volunteers from  those years will have fond memories of Marion and she always had a wonderful ‘welcome back’ for those who made a return visit. In more recent years, Marion was famous for her scone making. Thousands of guests at MIC have enjoyed these scones as they partook of ‘a good cup of tea’. She richly deserved the reputation of ‘making the best scones in Ireland’. However, it was the loving compassionate heart of the ‘scone maker’ that made Marion the extraordinary Mercy woman she was.

Catherine’s own words could well describe Marion. For all whose lives she touched she had ‘the kind word, the compassionate look and [endless time for] the patient hearing of sorrow’. She will be greatly missed but we will treasure her memory. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - CEO MIA