September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
"A New Creation for Mission"
The 299 Sisters of Mercy in New Zealand invite you to celebrate in spirit with us today (12 December 2005) the commencement of our new congregation Nga Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand.
This New Creation for Mission is founded from the four congregations of Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin and Wellington.
The celebrations commence with a ritual for Sisters at 10.30 am followed by lunch and merrymaking. In the evening there is a Eucharist to which all family, friends, associates and local church are invited. During the week there will be Eucharistic celebrations in Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin.
Catherine returned today to Baggot St with her two companions to commence her new congregation. Today we in Aotearoa New Zealand set out with open mind and heart committing ourselves to mission in our new congregation.
We rejoice that Sisters from around the world are able to celebrate with us – from Newfoundland, Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, United States, The Philippines and Chile.
May God bless you.
No reira ma te Atua koutou e manaaki.
Denise Fox
Click here to view the Vision Statement...
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