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Mercy Secondary Education International Forum (MSEIF)

138 Mercy Educators from Argentina, Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, Belize, England, Guam, Ireland, Philippines, South Africa and the United States, gathered at Malahide, July 6-9 to celebrate, collaborate and connect at their first ever international forum.

This forum evolved from the Mercy Secondary Education Association of the Americas 20th Anniversary conference in October 2001.

In her Welcoming Address, Breege O'Neill rsm Congregational Leader (The Congregation) stated that 'Education was one of the ministeries dearest to Catherine's heart' and gathering at Malahide, 'in the heart of Catherine's neighbourhood, was a 'reconnecting with Mercy heritage and the heart of the Mercy charism'.

Breege O'Neill rsm (Ireland) who gave the Welcoming Address

Helen Marie Burns rsm (Americas) Keynote Speaker and Ethel Bignell rsm (Aotearoa New Zealand) panellist, Mercy International Association Initiatives.

The musicians teaching the conference theme 'The Road to Mercy' sung each day as part of Morning Prayer.

Maria McGuiness rsm (Ireland) and Mary Reynolds rsm (Ireland) Keynote speakers: Where is Mercy in Our Schools?

Adele Howard rsm panellist: World Vision and Responsibility and Mercy International Association Initiatives with Carolyn Witte, Principal, Mercy High School Farmington Hills, MI USA, Moderator and member of the Forum Planning Committee.

Francis Sheehy rsm (South Africa), Constance Khuele rsm (South Africa) and Sheila O'Gorman rsm (Ireland) panellist: World Vision and Responsibility

Participants gathered in Prayer

Contributions from the floor during the Forum Planning Commission Presentation

Patty Moriarty rsm, Chairperson and MSEA Board Member

Group Discussion


Marilyn Panton rsm (Belize) and Janette Gray rsm (Australia), Keynote Speaker: Spirituality of a Mercy Educator

Maureen McGuirk rsm (Australia), Ray Paxton (Australia) and Dotty McCrea (USA- member Forum Planning Committee), panellists: Envisioning the Future