September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
With many of our Mercy Associates, we came together on Sunday, August 29, to celebrate in our own way the tenth anniversary of the opening of Mercy International Centre.
With a renewed sense of gratitude we gathered in prayer , song, story-telling and remembering to look at the many ways we, as individuals, communities and as Congregation, have been enriched and nourished through our associations and experiences at the Centre and Association.
The celebration began with a musical selection by harpist, Deborah Clarke, and continued with a welcome by Sister Helen Harding. The reading of the poem, The Long Line, by Sisters Loretta Dower, provided us with a fitting way to begin a power point presentation where we saw the beginnings of Mercy International, starting with the conversation between
Sisters Sebastian Cashen and Mary Trainer in 1987.
We then saw how we, ourselves, have been "drinking deeply from the well" of Mercy for the past ten years through retreat experiences (Walking with Catherine4, Multicultural, or Centered in Mercy), conferences (Formation, Leadership, Social Justice, Archivists), seniors' visits, annual visits through a December 12 draw within our Congregation. As well, many of us have had the opportunity to work at the Centre either through short term volunteer or as a team member or to serve on either the Board of Directors of the Association or the Centre. We concluded our presentation with the singing of 'Circle of Mercy'.
The celebration continued with a 'comfortable cup of tea' as we shared memories, enjoyed one another's company and again expressed thanks for the wonderful blessing and gift of Mercy International. We were so pleased to have availed of the anniversary year to acknowledge our connections and associations with the Centre and to remember those who pursued the dream with such commitment and dedication.