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MIA Prayer Intention for the Coming Week: for the Wonders of Scientific Discovery

"The fact that we are sitting here on Earth feeling the actual fabric of the Universe stretch and compress slightly due to the merger of black holes that occurred just over a billion years ago - I think that's phenomenal. It's amazing that when we first turned on our detectors, the Universe was ready and waiting to say 'hello''.

- Professor Sheila Rowan, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Glasgow, on Confirmation of Einstein's Gravitational Waves

'We thank you O God,
for the wisdom and knowledge you bestow on scientists who work at revealing the secrets of creation.
We stand in awe and wonder at the history of the universe and of life on this planet.
This knowledge strengthens our faith in your creative power.
We are grateful for this wonderful creation and for being a part of your blessing.

Praise be to you, O God.'

Olivia Masih White, Phd, Professor of Genetics. Used with permission.

Post your own Prayer or Reflection in our online Chapel

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

Image: NASA.  Used with permission