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Introducing the Mercy International Reflection Process Team

MIA has appointed a 3 person team to oversee, support and co-ordinate the process at the International level

Image: L-r: Elaine Wainwright rsm, Anne Walsh, Helen Diviney rsm

Elaine Wainright rsm  (ISMAPNG)  is the International Director with oversight of the Reflection process

Anne Walsh is the Communications Director with oversight of the communications of the International Reflection Process.

Helen Diviney rsm (Congregation, Ireland) is the International Co-ordinator and will ensure overall organisation of the process.

The Mercy International Reflection Process Team (MIRPT) will have the expertise of a Cross Cultural Committee (MICCC) and an Advisory Committee (MIAC) available to them.

At the Congregational/Institute level, Leaders will take an active part in promoting the process. Each congregation and institute will have a part-time co-ordinator, who will act as liaison person with the International Guiding Team.

Local Facilitators of the process will also be identified and trained.

Introducing the International Reflection Process Team Members:

Elaine Wainwright rsm

I am a member of ISMAPNG. My ministry is that of a biblical scholar and I rejoice in the opportunities this provides of bringing the gospel into dialogue with people’s lives and their engagement with the Earth community.

I look forward to engaging with you as the reflection process on eco-justice in a cosmological context unfolds for us during 2016.


Helen Diviney rsm

I belong to the Western Province. I entered in Longford in 1974 and now live in Co. Galway in a community of three. My ministry to date has been in primary education. For the last 13 years I have been working as a Reading Recovery Teacher Leader. In September I will be working part time in this new role.

Through my involvement in the international reflection process, I am looking forward to learning more about the worldwide community of Mercy and through the work of co-ordinating the project, to getting to know some people well. It is exciting that we will be part of the wider community of the church in this process. I am also looking forward to deepening my understanding of Eco justice.

Anne Walsh

In my work in communication, the common theme has been 'connecting language and life' through 'work that matters'.

I produce and edit Mercy eNews each week and maintain the website for MIA. I feel privileged to now be invited to work closely with Elaine, Helen and the congregation and institute co-ordinators on this reflection process. I look forward to co-ordinating the communication of our global learnings and reflections.

Messages to:
Elaine Wainwright rsm
Helen Diviney rsm
Anne Walsh