September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
At their May 2008 annual meetings Members of Mercy International Association commissioned the new Board of Directors who begin the task of implementing the MIA Vision. Commissioned to ensuring that Mercy International Association “keeps alive the founding spirit of Catherine among peoples of the world most in need of God’s compassion and mercy” Directors joined Members in praying: ‘May the light of Christ guide us and give us the wisdom to carry out our responsibilities.’
Patricia McDermott rsm
Chairperson of the new Board, Pat is Vice President of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas leadership team. Pat has held many board positions in institutions that provide healthcare, education and housing She taught English, journalism and religious education at the secondary level for 10 years.
Cóirle McCarthy rsm
Vice-Chairperson of the Board, Cóirle is the Congregational Leader of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy. She comes from Cork City and trained as a nurse before entering Religious Life in 1970. She then trained as a teacher, taught at St. Aloysius School and at Mount Mercy College in Cork and later worked as Diocesan Advisor for Religious Education in the Diocese of Cork and Ross. Before taking up her leadership role, Cóirle ministered as the Congregational Co-ordinator of the Child Protection Office in Dublin.
Peter Burnett
Peter is a Private Client lawyer with wide experience in commercial and residential conveyancing, wills, probate and trusts. He has many years of specialist expertise and experience of advising on all aspects of charity law and the requirements of the Charity Commission. Peter has acted as solicitor to the Institute of Our Lady of Mercy since 1983.
Elizabeth Davis rsm
Elizabeth is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland (Canada), a doctoral student in Scripture at the University of Toronto, and a part-time faculty member at the Toronto School of Theology. She has taught high school, has served as Chief Executive Officer of St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital and the Regional Health Authority in St. John’s, Newfoundland, and presently serves on several national health boards in Canada.
Maura Hyland
Since the 1970s, Maura has been working in religious education in Ireland as a teacher, catechist and author of religious education texts for use at the national level. Most recently she has been employed as Director of Veritas Communications, an agency of the Irish Catholic Bishops Conference, and is Publisher of the National Catechetical Programmes of Ireland.
James (Jim) Peppiatt-Combes
Jim is retired after 43 years of financial and administrative experience in health care and other business industries. He has worked in Mercy ministries, most recently as Executive Vice President and CFO, Trinity Health, Novi, Michigan.
Mary Waskowiak rsm
Mary, a native of California, has served as President of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas since July 2005. Prior to her role as president, Mary served as councilor on the Institute Leadership Team from 1991 to 1999 and as President of the Sisters of Mercy Regional Community of Burlingame, California, from 2003 to 2005.