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The MAST Journal Vol 22, No.3 Now Available

The latest issue (Vol. 22, No. 3) of The MAST Journal was recently published. Editor Eloise Rosenblatt rsm reports that the issue 'During the Year of Consecrated Life', coincides not only with the papal dedication of 2014-2015 to this theme, but also with the conclusion of conclusion of the Vatican’s 'visitations'. Out of a broader perspective the articles in this issue are offered.

  • Marilyn King rsm asks “Are we Fascinating?” in writing about Religious Life as a Prophetic Life Form.
  • Barbara Moran rsm offers a review of Sandra Schneiders’ last volume in her trilogy on religious life, Buying the Field.
  • Janet Ruffing rsm provides readers with “A Window into Pope Francis’ Views on Religious Life.”
  • Katherine Doyle rsm turns to the Original Rule, and reviews the stories of saints we may have forgotten—the ones Catherine McAuley names as patrons for her sisters.
  • Michele Gorman rsm recently appointed as Chaplain to the Senate of the State of California, shares with readers the prayer she delivered to the Senate on January 5, 2015.
  • Norita Cooney rsm President of the first West Midwest leadership team died in office in 2011. In a Convocation address from 1984 she used Scripture, literature and personal experience to outline the elements of an apostolic spirituality that acknowledges difficulties with the institutional church. It is included in the section of the journal called “Wisdom That Endures.”

As usual the issue provides discussion questions for those who want to use the essays for communal reflection with sisters, associates, companions or partners in ministry.

The MAST Journal is published three times a year by the Mercy Association in Scripture and Theology. To subscribe please contact Julia Upton rsm