September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Each month during this year of Mark, scripture scholar, Elaine Wainwright rsm (ISMAPNG), will contribute an ecological reading of the Gospel of Mark in the New Zealand Catholic magazine, Tui Motu InterIslands. Over the year readers will be introduced to this new way of attending to scripture.
First of the 11 articles being produced by Elaine Wainwright rsm on the gospel of Mark from an
ecological perspective
Along with the human and divine characters in the gospel, Elaine will alert readers to how the landscape and physical environment also adds meaning to an understanding of scripture and can deepen our appreciation of communion in the cosmos.
Kath Rushton rsm (ANZ), also a scripture scholar, will continue her reflection and commentary on one of the month's Sunday scriptures in each issue of Tui Motu. Kath offers a range of perspectives in her articles, including social justice, ecological, and spiritual. Over the year Elaine's articles will also be available on the Tui Motu InterIslands website.
A subscription form to Tui Motu magazine can be found on the website. It can also be downloaded here (PDF)
Messages to: Ann Gilroy rsj - Editor Tui Motu InterIslands
Front covers of the December 2014 (left) and February 2015 (right) issues
Tui Motu is an exciting and challenging journal. We invite readers to question, debate and reflect on spiritual and social issues in the light of gospel values with the aim of creating a more just and peaceful society.
Tui Motu is a Maori phrase meaning “stitching the islands together...” bringing different races, faiths and opinions into relationship.
Subscribe to Tui Motu - InterIslands and save! Subscription rates are as follows:
New Zealand
$66 for ONE YEAR'S Subscription (11 issues)
Unwaged $28 for five and $56 for eleven issues (New Zealand)
Australia and South Pacific $80 per year
Rest Of The World $85 per year