September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
The latest issue (Vol. 22, No. 2) of The MAST Journal was recently published. Editor Eloise Rosenblatt rsm reports that the issue is focused on Many Gifts—One Spirit “in which non-theologians reflect on their untypical ministries and what inspired them.”
• Laura Reicks rsm, President of the West Midwest Community, reflects on her un-typical but essential behind-the-scenes ministry,”Business and Financial Administration.”
• Ailsa MacKinnon rsm, a member of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea, describes her direction of a multi-dimensional, impressive set of programs for training teachers, helping indigenous people gain employment skills, and advocating for refugees in “Mercy Works in Australia.”
• Mary-Louise Petro rsm (Paramatta, Australia) in “Mamre: Place of Promise and Hospitality for Unemployed in Western Sydney,” reflects on the power of a biblical image to create a home and garden for refugees, women and children, and the desperate.
• Mary Quinn rsm (Northeast) writes of her transition from an x-ray technician to gardener in “Mercy Farm in Vermont.”
• Fran Repka rsm (South Central) traces her development as a psychologist, eventually opening Mercy Counseling Center for low-income individuals and families dealing with mental illness in “The Ministry of Pastoral Psychotherapy.”
• Rosemary Revel rsm (Aotearoa New Zealand) in “Sharing Our Vision: Papatuanuku ki Taurangi—Earth Promise” illustrates the commitment of the Sisters of Mercy in Auckland, New Zealand, in developing a center that fosters stewardship, hospitality, education and sustainable agricultural practices.
• Gloria Hesse rsm (West Midwest) describes her spiritual journey in “Musings of a Mime” which eventually led to forming her own company, Mime-Ink.
• Claudette Schiratti rsm (West Midwest) in “Free-Lance Musician,” traces her early awareness of her musical talent to becoming a free-lance liturgical musician for Catholic, Protestant and Jewish worship services.
• Patricia Griffith rsm (Mid-Atlantic) in “Mercy Haven: Ministry of Hospitality” tells her vocation story, and the challenges she faced in moving from parish ministry to providing housing for 300 persons living with mental illness and a $7 million budget.
• Jean Evans rsm (West Midwest) gave an inspiring Jubilee homily last summer that is celebratory of many Mercy women, whose gifts, exercised individually and together, communicate the spirit of Catherine McAuley.
As usual the issue provides discussion questions for those who want to use the essays for communal reflection with Sisters, Associates, Companions or Partners-in-ministry.
The MAST Journal is published three times a year by the Mercy Association in Scripture and Theology. To subscribe please contact Julia Upton rsm