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Prayer for Christmas: The Word became...

When peaceful silence lay over all, and night was in the midst of her course, your eternal Word leaped into our midst. In wonder and gratitude we pray.

Astounding grace, all creation rejoices in your coming:
~ Help us to reverence your gift of earth and all with whom we share it

Boundless love, you chose to be one with us:
~ As we walk with you, may we know one another as sisters and brothers.

Unseen presence, your mother's voice stirred joy in an unborn child:
~ May we raise our voices for the hidden ones — the unborn, the imprisoned, the disappeared.

Healing song, music heralded your birth:
~ Move your church to a new song of reconciliation and forgiveness; of justice and faithfulness.

Vulnerable child, you brought the grace of gentleness to our violent world:
~ Encourage us in our efforts to renew our ravaged lands, our war torn countries, our weary hearts.

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

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Source of text: Intercessions, Evening Prayer Christmas Day, Morning and Evening Prayer of the Sisters of Mercy
©1998 Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

Images used in carousel on the homepage and in the slideshow on this page::
iStock. Night sky filled with stars. Used under licence
Caleb George. Unsplash. Used under licence
Jeff Sheldon. Unsplash. Used under licence
Drew Patrick. Unsplash. Used under licence
David Marcu. Unsplash. Used under licence
Gabriel Santiago. Unsplash.Used under licence