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Christmas Greeting: President MIA

With all the rush of Christmas preparation and last minute shopping, it is all too easy to lose sight of the wonder of Christmas and all too difficult to find time to savour the time of Advent, a most beautiful phase in the Church’s Liturgical Year. This year Advent has particular significance for us as Religious, as it marks the start of the Year of Consecrated Life to which the Pope has called us.

The mystery of the Incarnation is central to the life of all followers of Jesus. In these wonder-filled times of heightened awareness of our relationship to all else that exists, and our consequent sense of responsibility for the planet, it is still difficult to grasp that the Creator of it all choose to join us in the material world – to be truly “God-with-us” in Jesus.

May this Christmas be a time in which we grow a little more into an understanding of the Incarnation and what it means to be related in our very existence to God, to all other people, and to not just our own amazing life-filled planet but to all that is in the whole of the universe. Faith always finds expression in action, and deepening of this faith will impel us to act out of those relationships so that the message of God’s Mercy will be more clearly heard in our world.

Messages to: Berneice Loch rsm - President of MIA