September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
MIA welcomes the announcement of the Catholic Bishops' statement in Lima on the road to Paris of 10 December 2014 in which Catholic Bishops from all continents in a joint statement highlighted their first-hand experience of working alongside vulnerable communities and described how people were suffering as a result of climate change.
Inspired by Gospel values and in the tradition of Catherine McAuley, MIA is committed consciously to raising awareness and to working with others, to restore our relationship with Earth and to redress injustice affecting those most impoverished in Earth’s community.
Suggesting responsibility for the current global warming system lies mainly with the dominant global economic system and 'convinced that everyone has a capacity to contribute to overcome climate change and to choose sustainable lifestyles'', the Bishops called on 'all Catholics and people of good will to engage on the road to Paris as a starting point for a new life in harmony with Creation respecting planetary boundaries'. Paris in December 2015 is the venue for COP 21.
The Bishops' Statement can be downloaded in English and in Spanish here
Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA
Image: Courtesy of scottchan at