September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
The documentary 'Sisters' is the result of the vision and efforts of Executive Producer Carol Rittner rsm, distinguished professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Richard Stockton College, New Jersey.
Five women religious appear in the one hour documentary. Two are Mercies - Deirdre Mullan rsm, Consultant to UNICEF and Executive Director of Mercy Reaches Mercy Inc and Karen Schneider rsm, a pediatric emergency room physician at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. Melissa Camardo, SCL, a hospital administrator in Denver; Monica Gundler, SC, who works with young people in New Orleans; and Michelle Lesher, SSJ, who works in campus ministry at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, are the three other faces of religious life today.
Asked why she wanted to make the documentary, Sr Carol replied, 'I wanted to show there is still energy, commitment and joy among American nuns. We're far fewer and older today, but there is still energy.'
Sisters is now hosted on, accessed from the VIMEO Channel of its director, three-time Emmy winner and Academy Award nominee, Robert Gardner, of Baltimore.
Copies of the DVD can be purchased online here from Gardner films for US$29.95.
Meanwhile, watch it online courtesy Robert Gardiner and Carol Rittner rsm as their contribution to the Year of Consecrated Life.
Messages to:
Carol Rittner rsm
Deirdre Mullan rsm
Karen Schneider rsm
Sisters from Robert Gardner on Vimeo.