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Messages Received from the Mercy World #18

Thank you to all who have sent messages for Mercy Day and for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations (23-29 September, 2014). We are hoping to hear from many of our Mercy family and friends over the coming weeks. Send your messages to:


My heart is full as I attempt to hold emotions that are at either end of a spectrum: fullness and connectedness at belonging to such a group of self-giving and creative women and broken open with pain at the content of the Australian Prayer. I know at a deep level that I have nothing to complain about in my own life.

It is truly wonderful to be a part of the 20th Anniversary and to be at such a distance at the same time.

With love and thanks to all

Maree Haggerty RSM


From the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas West Midwest Community




We live in a small house in the East end of London (England) and have a tiny prayer room. Hence, we do not have the space to lay out the coloured cloths in the ritual for today (Sept 25th). Above is our focus with the seeds scattered and the comfortable cup of tea awaiting us. You may notice our tabernacle, which is made from a piece of an apple tree, around which the Mercy focus is placed.


So far we have seen all the events, either live or later in the day and we look forward to seeing the GB Ritual when the technology allows! Linking via the miracle of the internet really makes us aware of our unity, especially as we read messages from around the globe and across time zones. We have been unexpectedly moved with emotion both at the way the rituals have been offered to us and the congregation present in Baggot St, clearly representing the sisters across the world.

Congratulations and thanks to those who had the vision of this Mercy Week and to all who carried the vison into such beautiful fruit.

Margaret Duffy rsm





























Returning to a sacred place is a profound experience. Gratitude, surprise, wonder and joy fill my heart, energising me to take the story home with new enthusiasm.

Ursula Gilbert rsm



Read messages on page #17                                  Read messages on page #19