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New 'Executive Director' job position available

Mercy International Association is an international network of nine congregations of Sisters of Mercy who share the vision and heritage of Catherine McAuley. The mission of the Association, which is characterised by action for justice and compassion, is located in diverse places and cultures throughout the world. The richness of this diversity means that we are often close to the struggles of people who are in need, especially women and children.

An exceptional person is now being sought to fill the newly-created role of

Executive Director

The successful candidate will be based in Dublin, will report to the Board of MIA and will be responsible for leading, integrating, developing and managing the Association on a worldwide basis.

Key qualities required to successfully fill this role include a pro-active leadership style coupled with an inclusive, compassionate, diplomatic and effective manner. The successful candidate will have highly developed oral and written communication skills.

Experience of large-scale organisational transition, managing in complex and decentralised environments, an understanding of the need for spiritual and theological underpinning of the work, personal qualities of goal orientation and patience are all essential requirements.

Please apply to:
Sister Patricia McDermott rsm
Sisters of Mercy
8380 Colesville Rd #300
Silver Spring, MD 20910 3243
Tel: +1 301-587-2296
+1 301-587-0423 Ext 2228
Fax: 301-587-0533

Include curriculum vitae and names and contact information of three persons who are willing to support your application.

Applications close on 20th October.

Interviews for this position will take place in Dublin on 8th and 9th November 2008. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to make a short presentation.

Full position description can be found here.