September 24, 2018
Mercy Day
Thank you to all who have sent messages for Mercy Day and for the 20th Anniversary Celebrations (23-29 September, 2014). We are hoping to hear from many of our Mercy family and friends over the coming weeks. Send your messages to:
My heart is overflowing with gratitude for all of those who prepared and celebrated our anniversary. If we could have forseen this day during the Trocaire event in 1981, we would have been overwhelmed. Mercy goes from strength to strength!
Doris Gottemoeller, RSM
We the Mercies of Ichocan, Cajamarca, Peru want to wish all a very special Mercy Day and let you know we are united with all of you there these days. We are happy to read the messages and see the photos at least, as it is difficult to get the ceremonies. Please pray for us at this time as we are closing our mission here in Ichocan after 21 years; we are discerning where our new mission will be and also praying that another religious congregation will come to replace us here.
Lily Ferrero, Marion Collins, Rosa Silva, Alita Sanchez and Verna Aucoin
Greetings from the Mercy Day luncheon for sisters and staff at the office in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Thanks and Happy Mercy Day!
Congratulations and prayerful wishes as you celebrate your 20th anniversary. Our hearts are filled with joy and gratitude for your Mercy presence. May Our Lady of Mercy bestow on you many blessings today and always.
Clare Fennell rsm, Delray, Florida, US Provinc
Dear Mary,
Congratulations on the first twenty years of MIA, it has become a wonderful fulchrum around which both the national and international world of Mercy rotate.
Joy to you on this day of days,
Love and blessings,
Anne Kelleher
Dear Sr.Mary Reynolds and Sisters,
Peace, blessings, love, and prayer on this 20th.annivarsay of mercy family.we will be with you in spirit of mercy and prayer to day all this remembrance week and for the many srs. Of mercy already gone before us, helping us all on the journey down here. God bless mary and all the gathering to day and always.
Blessings to all gathered at Catherine’s House on Baggot Street this September 24, 2014. As you gather together today, we join with you
as we celebrate Mercy Day at the Regional Offices of the Northeast Community – sharing Catherine’s story and commemorating the opening of
Baggot Street as a House of Mercy in 1827 and our 20th anniversary of Mercy International . We are there in spirit.
Fran Lynch RSM, Barbara Riley RSM and our Mercy co-workers.
Duayan au nait Khawishaat (Greetings & blessings) to all joined in the celebrations of Mercy Day and MIA from every corner of the world.
Buhat muhabat kaye saath! (Celebrate well!)
Margaret Madden
Karachi, Pakistan
Greetings to you all as we celebrate Mercy Day all over the world.
Love and prayers.
Nora and Martina in Mohill
Mercy Day Greetings from all at the Rahamim Ecological Learning Community in Bathurst, NSW.
Signs of spring surround us in various forms – the blossoms are bursting forth, the magpies are singing with extra vigour…
Looking forward to hosting the Sisters of Mercy to a high tea in the Catherine McAuley Parlor this afternoon.
Hope your day is very special.
Mary-Ann Casanova rsj
Executive Director
I am lighting a candle with love today for all of us in the Mercy world – sisters, associates, colleagues, and friends in ministry.
Anne McLay.
May the celebrating be blessed with a true spirit of joy and peace as we remember and celebrate all that has been and will be!
With love and in mercy,
Ann McGovern, RSM
Mercy Northeast
Happy 20th Anniversary and thanks for all the communication so that we can keep up with all the celebrations during these days.
During the month of September all the students from St. Joan of Arc school Boca Raton Florida. watch the "Circle of Mercy" DVD which helps the students celebrate "Mercy Day". Each teacher does an evaluation with the students either written or by illustration which can be seen in the attached pictures.
Image: courtesy St. Joan of Arc school Boca Raton Florida